Ask Us

what's on your mind?

hello tribe member,

Do you have a topic you'd like us to discuss or a question?
First of all, reaching out for help, even just asking a question, is actually a REALLY BIG DEAL! It's TOO EASY to suffer in silence. Resistance is comfortable but can cause a build-up of emotions that can become anxiety or depression.

We know that while we may share the diagnoses profiles, our experiences and environments are quite different. Therefore, when submitting your topic or question, please provide some details for each bullet point below. This will help us understand some context around your topic/question. 

If you’d like us to appear on your show and share stories, solutions or ideas, we’re game. We come as a package deal but if your topics are better suited for Blake or Rachelle, let us know in advance.  If you’re creating helpful resources that our YDSA Tribe would benefit from and would like to raise awareness for your work on our show, reach out via the form below and we’ll get back to you. 

submit your topic or question to the podcast

By submitting this question, you agree to allow us to read or reference your topic/question on the show, and refer to you by first name only (okay to use a nickname if preferred) so you’ll know we’re responding to you directly. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey too! Listen to future episodes to hear our response. 

Disclaimer: We do not provide medical advice, diagnoses or treatments. Our goal is to raise mental and emotional health awareness and believe the professionals are the best ones to offer that level of care. We’re here to offer our experiences, social acceptance and heart-felt support by helping you connect the dots and illuminate the patterns that may be helpful along your journey. 

awareness illuminates patterns

and shifts the power of choice back to you. where it belongs.

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